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pro local Quiz January – Vegan special

pro local Quiz January – Vegan Special

Test your knowledge about Veganism. 10 questions await you in our monthly quiz. We hope you enjoy solving them.

1 / 10

What is the correct definition of “vegan”?

2 / 10

Which vitamin is mainly obtained from animal sources and might be harder to get in a vegan diet?

3 / 10

Where does the soybean originally come from?

4 / 10

What percentage of the soy harvest in the EU is used for food?

5 / 10

Italy is the country where the most soy is grown in Europe. True or false?

6 / 10

A vegan diet excludes the consumption of mushrooms.True or false?

7 / 10

What is “seitan”?

8 / 10

What percentage of Austrians are vegan as of 2024?

9 / 10

Agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.Which climate-damaging gas is produced in large quantities when livestock such as cattle or sheep are kept?

10 / 10

Milk alternatives produce significantly fewer greenhouse gases than cow’s milk. Which milk alternative has a particularly positive environmental balance?

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